Dallas Fire Protection Blog


Commercial Fire Sprinkler Tax Incentive [2020] in Dallas, TX

New tax incentives have recently been put in place & expanded that allow commercial buildings to retrofit or upgrade fire sprinkler systems. These changes were put in place to: 1) encourage increased adoption of fire sprinkler systems in commercial buildings to protect life & property, and 2) stimulate the economy. If you own or manage a commercial building, it means you may be able to com…

Fire Sprinkler Winterization in Dallas, TX

Do you really need to winterize your fire sprinklers in Dallas? It may not freeze often here, but even one unexpected freeze can cause damage to your fire protection system if you’re not prepared. There aren’t any true procedures specific to winterizing fire sprinklers – but the increased risk of damage makes fall a great time to get up-to-date on your inspection & maintenance schedu…